Product name
Japan to China
Dynamic viscoelasticity measuring equipment for measuring film shapes and semi-solid substances

This measuring instrument is used to evaluate the viscoelastic properties of solids such as molecular films and rubber sheets.
This measuring instrument is used to evaluate the viscoelastic properties of solids such as molecular films and rubber sheets.
When vibration strain such as tension, compression, bending, and shear forces are applied to the sample, the instrument users sensors to measure and store variable data such as stress response and displacement.
Depending on the measurement method used, the following evaluations can be made.
Tension, compression and bending measurements
E*(Pa): complex longitudinal modulus, E'(Pa): storage longitudinal modulus, E"(Pa): loss longitudinal modulus, tanδ: vibration absorption count (loss tangent), δ (deg): phase difference
Solid shear and slit shear measurements
G*(Pa): complex shear modulus, G'(Pa): storage shear modulus, G"(Pa): loss shear modulus, η*(Pa.s): complex viscosity modulus, η'(Pa.s): dynamic viscosity modulus, η"(Pa.s): loss viscosity factor, η'=G"/ωη"=G'/ω ω: angular velocity (rad/sec), tanδ: vibration absorption coefficient (loss tangent), δ(deg): phase difference
Examples of Use
Evaluation of physical properties of films, rubbers, and adhesives