Product name
Japan to China
Lens inspection systems, MTF inspection equipment

MTF Measurement Systems: MATRIX SeriesMTF measurement equipment that evaluates the imaging performance of optical systems.
Product details
We also provide outsourced MTF measurement services using MTF measurement systems.
MTF inspection equipment for judgement of pass/failure at mass production sites is also available.
Manufacturer: FK Opt Labo Co., Ltd.
Please feel free to contact us for details.
MTF measuring device with guaranteed measurement accuracy based on UK MTF standards.
Enables real-time image observation and MTF curve observation.
Automatically measures the position of the side of the image to be measured and acquires MTF measurement data for the spatial frequency of each point.
Supports MTF measurements such as infinity measurement, finite distance measurement, visible light, near-infrared, and infrared ranges.
We provide optimal systems according to lens requirements, from small to large lenses.