Product name
Electric power
Japan to China
Oil pump for power transformers

These pumps are installed mainly in oil-immersed transformers and coolers, and used for forced circulation of insulating oil. We export oil pumps manufactured by Teikoku Electric MFG. Co., Ltd. Teikoku Electric MFG's oil pumps have an excellent track record of adoption for heavy electric power applications in Japan, and are also used at numerous major power generation and substation-related facilities in China, due to the advantages they offer in terms of high quality and long service life.
Product details
We supply Teikoku Electric MFG oil pumps for export only, and do not sell them for the Japan domestic market.
Sales Representative: Sugawara
Oil pumps are used in large-scale oil-immersed transformers. They have an extensive track record of installation at numerous large-scale power plants overseas, mainly in Asia. We offer oil pumps to meet a range of specifications. Please feel free to contact us.
Oil circulation pumps are used in the main transformers mounted on trains. The steel plate welded structure is earthquake resistant, lightweight and compact, and is used in high-speed trains in China.